Shane’s world sorority pussy masturbator

Stroke it, baby – faster and faster! Shane’s World Sorority Pussy Masturbator is made of Soft Senso material and is lined with pleasure beads to dance around your hard shaft. This super stretchy sleeve is sure to accommodate your every need. The open ended masturbator with realistic vagina entrance is ribbed on the inside for additional sensations. Now you can have your Sorority Pussy when ever you feel the urge!


Cal Exotics

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Stroke it, baby – faster and faster! Shane’s World Sorority Pussy Masturbator is made of Soft Senso material and is lined with pleasure beads to dance around your hard shaft. This super stretchy sleeve is sure to accommodate your every need. The open ended masturbator with realistic vagina entrance is ribbed on the inside for additional sensations. Now you can have your Sorority Pussy when ever you feel the urge!


Cal Exotics